SEO Optimization_

Every project has its story – Optimize your path to success with iAgency!

SEO optimization is like a marathon – the recipe for success involves strategy, patience, and perseverance. In both cases, results are built over time through consistent efforts and adjustments based on performance. Thus, patience and consistency are essential to reach the finish line and achieve sustainable results.

The Benefits of an SEO Optimization Strategy

  • Increase in organic traffic (from Google results)
  • The most cost-effective marketing technique
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Outperforming larger competitors
  • Boosting trust and business authority
  • Supporting other marketing strategies

The notion of SEO optimization has changed drastically in recent years, now including User Experience (UX) and online marketing indicators. And we keep up: we perfectly understand what is happening now and what is coming next. Here's how we work!

SEO Website Optimization Stages

At, our 16+ years of experience in the market, specialized team, and hundreds of national and international clients have allowed us to create a unique workflow for SEO optimization. Even though it is customized based on the specifics and requirements of each client (online store / presentation site), the fundamental steps remain the same:

From the moment we first contact your business, we start "dissecting" and understanding everything about it: field of activity -> competition -> market position (leader, newcomer, etc.) -> SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) -> short, medium, and long-term predictions, etc.

Only by fully understanding your business can we outline a complete, textbook SEO optimization strategy, as you'll see further on. We don't change what's already working and don't apply recipes that don't work in the online environment!

Fully understanding your business allows us, thanks to the know-how we've accumulated since 2008, to anticipate how SEO will unfold, what optimization strategy to adopt from the start, and how to get your site to the top of Google in a short time.

With the help of specialized tools, we search for the most suitable keywords and 3-4 word key phrases (long tails) for the SEO optimization of your website.

These decisions, which we will of course discuss with you before implementation, are based on the products/services you offer, your business's position in the market, location, etc. In other words, depending on opportunities, we will either choose "strong" keywords from the start or craft an initial SEO strategy targeting local keywords or those with fewer Google searches but which can climb quickly in rankings.

A poorly conducted keyword research would result in a Sisyphean SEO optimization effort, generating few results but much frustration on both sides. Thus, we make the right decisions... win-win!

The link architecture represents the "skeleton" of your site, encompassing all category, subcategory links, etc., ordered by importance (from the homepage to the last page of the site), along with the keywords associated with each.

Once we have everything written down, we send you the architecture for approval, and then we start creating or improving the existing content on the site. By targeting specific phrases on each page, we ensure that both Google fully understands the content and users find exactly what they're looking for when conducting a search.

A highly specialized approach, where we leave nothing to chance, ensures that we save time and produce visible effects and "tectonic shifts" in Google from the first weeks of collaboration. Search engine optimization rewards those who don't take shortcuts!

At, we scrutinize your site down to the smallest details before starting the actual SEO optimization process (on-page & off-page). Specifically, we scan all pages using the programs we use to find minor or major issues that could affect Google rankings now or in the future.

Following the audit, your site will "forget" about problems like duplicate content, orphaned pages, or 404 errors!

This is also the SEO optimization stage where we gain a very clear understanding of your online store or presentation site's position relative to your competitors: where are you better positioned and can take advantage? -> where is there still a lot of work to catch up? -> how quickly can we expect to surpass them and reach the top?

The audit is just the foundation for the following site analysis processes (which will be carried out continuously). Based on the audit, but also following a manual analysis, we draft a list of technical recommendations for the developer managing the site.

It's very important that these changes are implemented in a timely manner so that we can start the on-page SEO optimization process and off-page communication on "solid ground." Imagine if errors persisted, and we began building an entire "castle" on top of them. Surely, that's not the scenario you want!

As in our team, each person plays a decisive role in the success of the project, and the developer is a central figure in the technical, less visible aspect.

We've "gotten to work"! Unlike the steps above, which take place at the beginning or when there's a problem, on-page SEO, off-page, and technical SEO optimization are continuous processes. We work daily on each project in our portfolio, depending on the initially agreed volume or needs.

On-page SEO includes creating or improving meta tags (meta title & meta description), headings (H1, H2, H3...), and the content of each page, especially the important ones, such as the homepage and main category pages, which we will target in off-page optimization.

An impeccably optimized on-page website will remain in Google's top positions for a long time, as it represents the "foundation" of optimization and proof of a sustainable strategy. This is where the difference is made between an experienced SEO promotion agency and freelancers or beginners!

This stage consists of creating and publishing press releases and advertorials on high-authority sites (especially online newspapers).

Thanks to the backlink skillfully inserted by copywriters (to your site), the "host" domain will transfer part of its authority (link juice) to it. Google places link building in a privileged position, and a broad and solid network is undoubtedly a key ranking factor!

Off-page communication also helps create a positive user experience, as they will "encounter" your brand outside of your site and find relevant and useful information. UX is another major ranking factor in Google!

In terms of time and effort invested, off-page SEO optimization represents a significant part of our activity.

We enter the "internal kitchen" of the technical SEO specialists at – an integrated digital marketing agency! They are up-to-date and know how to use in detail all the dedicated tools and plugins to ensure that your site is always "within parameters"!

Is it secure? -> Does it load quickly enough? -> Is it easy to find and crawl by Google bots? The experts will ensure that the answer to all these questions is a resounding "YES"! And they will constantly monitor your site to ensure things stay that way.

Concepts like sitemap, mobile-first indexing, page speed insights, or 301 redirects are part of the ABCs of technical optimization, but don't worry! Everything we monitor and modify in the "depths" of the website will be translated into terms you understand, so you can continue to hold the reins of the project.

Still not sure your business and site
need SEO?



of online experiences begin with a search engine



of users click on one of the first 3 results in Google



of users focus on organic results, not ads



of users search for information about local businesses – help them find you!

Content is king, and the search engine is the chessboard!

SEO Means, First and Foremost, On-Page Site Optimization

Meta Title Optimization

  • The meta title is the first thing Google "sees" and indexes. It's also the first thing visitors see when searching among dozens of search engine results. It's essentially your site's "business card"! An attractive title that provides users with exactly what they're looking for will have a high CTR (click-through rate) and get you into Google's top results.

Meta Description Optimization

  • Here, we have a bit more room to maneuver! The ideal meta description should include information about the products/services offered, as well as the most important marketing argument (your business's differentiator). We won't forget a convincing CTA (call to action) either, ensuring a good click-through rate!

Heading Optimization (H1, H2, H3...)

  • Headings are just as important for Google as they are for users: they help understand what the page is about and how it's structured! H1, which must appear once and only once on each page, is the most important – it must clearly illustrate the page's subject/activity area. The use of keywords is imperative!

Content Optimization

  • The content of each page must be unique, relevant, original, interesting, and, not least, OPTIMIZED. Keywords should be naturally integrated, without being repetitive, and should be easy for both Google and users to "discover." At, we work with semantic families and find the perfect balance between text length and optimization!

Link Optimization

  • Once again, the user experience is at the forefront of SEO site optimization! Internal links should be short, descriptive, easy to read, and include keywords. An extra folder in the link means a lower level in the architecture. We ensure that URLs fit within a maximum of 100 characters and are correctly indexed by search engines.

Image Optimization

  • In website optimization, images don't count as 1,000 keywords, but they also need optimization! Users see images, but Google interprets them completely differently. Therefore, it's important to "tell" the search engine what's in an image so it can display it alongside content during searches.
Check out  the SEO Optimization Guide   prepared by!

What Is Off-Page SEO Optimization and How Does It Work?

Creating Quality Content

  • This involves creating unique, original, interesting, and relevant press releases and advertorials for readers, presenting the business's products/services and their usefulness (advantages). The content will be produced regularly, depending on needs and the chosen subscription, as well as the domains where each text will be published (online newspaper types, site, etc.).

Creating Backlinks

  • The over 200 ranking factors used by Google's algorithms to order organic results aren't public, but the number of backlinks to a domain (quality links from other domains pointing to it) is certainly one of the most important. This process makes your brand much more well-known and visible to both users and search engine bots.

Brand Awareness

  • In recent years, Google has increasingly emphasized brand notoriety and authority in determining rankings. At, we help you either consolidate your brand through SEO optimization, social media, and online marketing strategies/techniques or directly "seize" the top positions in Google (the combination of a strong brand + SEO optimization is unbeatable).

Social Media

  • It's very important to be present on social media! iAgency helps you, in addition to optimizing your site, "optimize" your presence on various social media platforms, as this contributes to visibility, brand awareness, and interactivity with your clients and potential clients. Given UX's importance for SEO, you can understand why you also need active social accounts with regular posts.

Frequently Asked SEO Optimization Questions

As a business person, you surely know the importance of qualified leads (people who are very likely to become your clients). Those who make a specific search and reach your site, thanks to the optimization we perform, aren't just "looking"; they are very likely to convert. In other words, SEO has an excellent ROI (return on investment)!

Results can appear after 1-2 months, and the break-even point (when SEO investment equals SEO benefits) can occur within the first year of collaboration. After that, your business will be in profit, with SEO services proving profitable in the medium and long term. This strategy is sustainable, provided the activity is continuous.

Keyword research, technical analysis (website accessibility and indexability), content analysis (including checking for duplicate content), off-page audit (quality of existing backlinks), and usability analysis (how site structure affects user experience).

Local SEO is about optimizing your site and content to target potential local clients (in proximity). This involves using keywords that include particles like "Downtown," "sector 3," "London," etc., as well as other techniques (see below). Locally, competition is much lower, with geography being the only criterion.

Marketing for Google Maps is an essential ingredient in any solid local SEO optimization strategy, and its effectiveness is undeniable (80% of Google searches for local businesses result in conversions). We help you create/improve your Google My Business account and optimize its content!

Site loading speed (user "patience" is maxed at 3 seconds), time spent on the page/site, number of pages accessed, etc. Google assesses the quality of a website through visitor actions – for example, how many pages they visit before leaving, how many click on a particular link or take a specific action, etc. All of these parameters are improvable.

Let’s talk

Leave the SEO optimization and online promotion of your business in our hands! With us, you’ll increase organic traffic -> brand awareness -> the number of customers -> sales -> profit! What do you say, shall we make you a personalized SEO offer?